The City has contracted Denver-based BBC Research & Consulting, a firm specializing in conducting disparity studies that assess how minority-, women- and veteran-owned businesses are faring in the local marketplace, to analyze the City's contracting and procurement.

The study is designed to provide a benchmark point. It will score the city on its efforts to encourage underrepresented business owners to bid on city contracts and help determine what, if any, improvements are needed to optimize the process. ​​

As a part of the first step in the research, business owners, trade association representatives and other interested parties are invited to attend one of three upcoming public meetings where BBC consultants will share information about the study and collect feedback from stakeholders about:

  • Current market conditions.
  • Their experiences doing business in the region and working with the City.
  • Any barriers or difficulties they've experienced when bidding on City contracts.
  • Any race- or gender-based discrimination they may have encountered in doing business locally.